How To Have Relationships That Don’t Hurt

Thank you for your interest in the Masterclass “How to Have Relationships That Don’t Hurt“. This is an exclusive class with 10 people or less and this is the only time I am going to offer this class at a cost that’s nearly free. 100% of the proceeds will be donated. It is open to the first 10 people that sign up.
I am very excited about presenting this work because this is my favorite topic. See the attached flyer for details. There is additional information in this email that’s not on the flyer.
The class is designed to help you:
– transform your present and future relationships.
– learn what a healthy relationship is and how to get it
– deep dive into what holds you back from love and how to fix it
When you are done with the class, you will:
– understand why relationships fail despite our best effort
– know how to attract healthy loving partners and keep them
– how to have drama-free relationships
– learn how to find safety and trust in a relationship
– learn how to turn relationship pain into personal empowerment
– Six 90-minute sessions on Zoom, twice a week for 3 weeks.
– I might have flexibility with days and times, so far I was thinking:
Wednesdays at noon and Sundays at 4 pm
– To get the full benefit of this class it’s important to attend all the sessions in their entirety, however, all sessions will be recorded and each of you will have the recording in case you miss a session or would like to listen to it for greater clarity once the class is over.
Privacy and Confidentiality:
– You are welcome to use a different name on Zoom and I’ll refer to you with your chosen name during this session
– No one needs to turn their camera on during the session
Time Commitment:
The class time of 90-minutes twice a week is all you need.
There will be optional homework for those who want it
12 hours of time with me is usually $3,000 (at $250/hr)
I’m pricing this very low at $50 per person.
100% of the proceeds from this class will be donated to help medical clinics provide free care to the day-laborers and their families during this pandemic.
What I’ll need from you to be able to offer this price:
– consent to record these sessions and have the flexibility to later use them to teach others in a similar course for profit.
– attendance and commitment
– you will get from the class what you put in it. These teachings provide the pivotal movement needed to launch a person into a positive relationship. You must come with an open mind and an open heart and be present physically and emotionally.
This Class Is Not For You If:
– you are not yet ready to make a change in your life
– you are not a person who is open to new ways of thinking and being
– you have not yet had much emotional pain around relationships, romantic or platonic
– you are content and fulfilled in the relationship you are currently in
– you are not going to be able to give your undivided attention to the session
– you are uncomfortable with your voice recording being used for the later learning of others
– you can’t make the time commitment because I have limited spots and I’m looking to fill them with people that are motivated to learn and want to make a change
What if you are interested but have questions or concerns?
Call or text me directly at (973)755-2306 and we’ll chat.
If you are interested:
– email me back right away with your phone number so I can coordinate with you to hold your spot.
– I will be advertising the class on my social media. Because of the low price point, this will sell out quickly. It is a first come first served class.
What happens after you commit to the class?:
– I will call you to get your credit card info to hold your spot. You can ask me any questions/concerns you have at that time or you can schedule a time to speak with me via text another time.
coordinate with you to get your credit card information or you can send a check
– I’ll send forms to get information about
1) your specific situation
2) consent to group sessions
3) consent to record sessions
4) rules of conduct during the class
If you would like to know more about me, here are some links that will help: