Heal & Empower Workshop
Healing & Renewal Workshop
Mari Lee’s From Fairytales to Facelifts Workshop
“it was impressive how you were able to tackle such deep and serious topics with fun and ease. it was a full circle workshop giving direction and hope that all of us can use. it was very intimate for a large group, well organized and left me with a lot to think about and even more to implement in my Thoughts and my behaviors. i am going home knowing what I want and how i am going to go about getting it. Thank you so much for these deep revelations. I would reccomeind this worksop to anyone. _ Workshop Participant”
This workshop is designed to feel like a girl’s bonding party with all the necessary ingredients: Stories, snacks, laughter, tears, even party favors.
emotional blocks become barriers to your goals & happiness we can show you how to take them off
“This was the first time I have attended a workshop like this and I was skeptical. I just want to say that I am making today as the start of my new life. Thank you for helping me find the beginning of my healing journey” _ An attendee of The Healing & Renewal Workshop, NJ.
“This workshop opened my mind. It gave me just the boost I needed to find the passion inside me. I feel beautiful and strong, lovable and valuable. I am ready to take over my own destiny and make things happen for me.” _ An attendee of the workshop “From the Fairytales to Facelifts, NJ.
Through storytelling and deep discussions we will help you understand your healing goals. We will systematically take you through the journey of understanding how your can achieve the strength and empowerment you have been seeking to set you free.
This workshop leads you to inner freedom. it teaches you how to become Emotionally independent and to recognize your inner strengths.
If you are interested in attending this workshop contact us via email or phone and we’ll let you know of all the upcoming workshops.
If you are an organization that would like us to speak or present contact us.
(973) 755-2307.
Read on for more testimonials:
” Thank you so much for this great experience. I was able to have so much insight into ‘myself’. Since my divorce it has been difficult. Thank you for showing me how I can connect with myself to being the healing process that will give me the security I am looking for” _ A Workshop Participant, NJ