The Best Resolution Is The One You Actually Keep

The Best Resolution Is The One You Actually Keep

Amongst other things, 2020 has been a year of clarity for most of us. There has never been a better time to get clear on our vision of what we want to do, be, and experience in 20201. Here are some steps to create a plan you will actually stick with.

What Do You Want To Experience:

If making goals have not worked in the past then try making intentions instead. Sometimes when we set goals, when circumstances change we are unable to pivot— especially when goals are long term.

Goals have specific requirements to reach a specific destination—the rigidity of goals is not able to address the fact that the landscape of our lives is fluid and ever-changing.

What Will You Do If You Mess Up?

Don’t have an all or nothing philosophy. Keep room for the fact that you are human and you are going to mess up at some point.

Predeicide what you will do when you mess up that one time. Just because you “accidentally” devoured a cannoli doesn’t mean you’re off the diet now. Forgive yourself and get back on the track you have chosen for yourself.

Agree On A Sustenance Plan:

The Best Resolution Is The One You Actually Keep

Make an agreement with yourself so you can sustain your intention.

Do a daily check to see if you are on track. If you find yourself off track be careful not to put yourself down—lovingly bring yourself back to the path you have chosen for yourself.

Mark, your calendar to do a monthly check so you can make the necessary adjustments to ensure you fulfill your intention.

Get Your Head In The Game:

Become your own mentor—not a drill sergeant—a loving, patient, and wise mentor. Encourage yourself when you are freaking out, love yourself when you don’t measure up to your expectations, and lovingly get yourself back on track when you lose your way.

After all, when you have ‘you’ on your side, what else do you need. Go get what you want.

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